How to Give Your Living Room a Modern Makeover

How to Give Your Living Room a Modern Makeover

Trends change every year, and we all want to be a part of the next big thing. When we update our homes, we want them to be modern and to last. To help you achieve this, we’ve created a guide on how to create a modern living room, and we’ve tailored it to blend styles that have been around for years with ones that have had a recent surge in popularity. We’re sure that if you utilize this balance, you’ll have a living room that truly aligns with the times and your personality.

Use Textures

A room can often feel as though it lacks true dimension. You want to introduce a variety of textures to your room to give it substance. There are many potential textures, and you can choose the ones that best align with your tastes. Whether it be stone, fur, or knit, a bit of texture makes all the difference. You can also create texture by playing with shapes; add a bit of dimension with unique shapes such as octagons or triangles.

Play with Reflections

If your room feels a touch small for your liking, use reflections to open things up. These can be as literal as mirrors, or you can use pieces with reflective surfaces, such as a gas fireplace with clean glass doors. The less obvious solutions, such as the fireplace, give a feeling of more space without overwhelming any one area of the room. Other suggestions for reflective surfaces include coffee tables or metal lighting structures.

Add Some Matte Black…

As far as color goes, the white blank canvas look that we’ve held onto for so long is bowing out at last, and its opposite has taken center stage. While white always seemed to suggest the future, today’s designers want to focus more on the present. Matte black feels current, and it’s the current favorite of many designers to use in furniture, flooring, and wall color.

… With a Pop of Color

While we suggest bringing in everyone’s favorite muted color trend, we also recommend adding something that serves to enhance this. An all-black room can feel depressing, but not if it’s done right. Pops of color, such as an accent wall, pillows, or piece of furniture, add a bit of fun into the mix. We recommend using bold colors, such as a neon green or salmon, to create a stark contrast with matte black pieces.

Change Fabrics With Slipcovers

You may want to keep your living room current, but you can’t buy all new furniture and throw pillows every year. Switching out fabrics is a cost effective and economical way to easily change your living room’s look. You want to be sure, however, that you invest in high-quality fabric that fits your personality. Purchase custom pillow covers and custom sofa slipcovers to update your current furniture and pillows. This will allow you to repurpose the same pieces for years to come.

Create Transitions

You can certainly play with opposites, but you should still create a sense of cohesion in a room. Be thoughtful as you decorate, and be sure that everything in the room contributes to the overall picture. You also should make sure your choices allow one thing to flow into another. If you want to take things a step further, don’t create a stark contrast between your living room and the rest of your home. The transition between the living room and the room that leads into it should feel seamless.

Use Functional Pieces

If you look hundreds of years back, most people were sure that everything in their home was completely functional. There was no spending time and money on things that weren’t useful to their way of life. Everything in your room should serve a purpose—even your artwork should inspire emotion from those who view it. Decorators today get clever with the ways they create functionality, and use tricks and furniture pieces to conceal drawers and televisions when they aren’t utilized.


How you impact the environment should play a large role in determining your furnishing decisions. More and more homeowners want to work toward respecting the environment every day. Invest in furniture that’s meant to last as opposed to chic pieces made with cheap materials. Wood furniture is always a good addition to any home. Eco-friendly flooring has also increased in popularity, as many people choose to install long-lasting bamboo or laminate floors.

Install Wallpaper

You may remember the wallpaper in your grandparent’s house was completely outdated. Like anything else, however, wallpaper is making a comeback. People use it in creative ways, such as on accent walls or furniture. You can purchase wallpaper in many patterns, and you’ll likely find something to suit your tastes. The one thing to keep in mind is that wallpaper is incredibly difficult to remove, so you need to commit to your decision.

Create a Bar Cart

It isn’t uncommon to have a bar in your basement, but people today like to put forth minimal effort from time to time to get their drinks. A bar cart isn’t only convenient, but it’s also an aesthetically pleasing addition to any room. There are several different styles you can find bar carts in, and you could even convert a completely different piece into one.

Have Large Windows

If you can fit it into your budget, consider installing large windows. Lighting is everything, and natural light is the best option on the market. Large windows are economical in that you use less energy, and they instantly open up a room. They’re also beautiful in any room, and they bring in some much-needed sunshine.

Make it You

Ultimately, you can follow any trend you’d like, so the most important thing is that you create a room that reflects your personality. Your home is meant to reflect your tastes and who you are as a person. It’s fun to integrate trends into our home, but it should be ones that we actually like. If someone says that minimalism is in but you like displaying multiple decorations, don’t think you have to get rid of them. Decorate your space how you want, and you’ll never go wrong. modern living room makeover

Things to Consider Before Choosing a Slipcover

Things to Consider Before Choosing a Slipcover

Slipcovers are the unsung heroes of furniture preservation and restoration. Investing in one is an easy way to completely renovate a room without having to get all new furniture. Before you buy a slipcover, it’s important to be sure you invest in one that’s right for your needs. It isn’t merely about the color and pattern, as there are other factors that should go into selecting the right one. To help you make the right decision, we’ve created a brief guide on how to choose the perfect slipcover for your furniture.

Take Measurements

The very first thing you should do before you buy a slipcover is measure the piece you’ll cover. An ill-fitting cover will look sloppy and make a room feel unkempt. A properly fitted cover, however, looks clean and refined. Create a checklist of the things you should measure, which includes the following:

  • The entire length from one arm to the other
  • The width of the arm
  • The cushions when placed side to side
  • The height of the couch from the top of the cushion to the floor
  • The height of the entire piece, top to bottom

The Fit

While the proper fitted cover is in many respects related to the measurements you take, there are other factors that go into choosing the perfect fit. There are generally different shapes to account for. For example, if the arms of your piece have sharp edges, you wouldn’t want to get a cover made for rounded arms. For the ideal fit, you may want to get a slipcover that comes with several pieces as opposed to one.


This is one of the most important choices you can make, as the material you use plays a large role in determining your couch’s comfort. You want to avoid choosing one that is too heavy or that slips out of place. Cotton is a popular choice because it’s breathable and easy to wash. Polyester is resistant to wrinkles and usually keeps its shape well. Suede is often one of the more comfortable options, and it’s more resistant to stains. If you aren’t sure what slipcover is right for you, many companies will send swatches at no charge and can create a custom slipcover to suit your needs.

Helpful Tips for Staging a House

Helpful Tips for Staging a House

Good staging is key to selling a house. Staging can generally go one of two ways, and you risk turning away potential buyers if you don’t know what you’re doing. Many buyers require the full picture in order to imagine themselves living in a home. Additionally, the right décor can enhance the best parts of a building. As such, you should educate yourself on the different ways to create the perfect scene. Below, you’ll find a comprehensive guide on how to stage a home.

Be Sure the Home Photographs Well

Many sellers stage homes with in-person showings in the forefront of their minds. This is certainly important, but you should also consider the buyer’s real first impression—the online images. These will determine whether or not they buyer decides to request a showing in the first place. As you stage the home, keep in mind how it will appear in pictures. While it’s easy to assume that everything will look just as good on camera as it does in real life, this isn’t always the case.

Use Thoughtful Colors

Generally, lighter-toned neutral colors are the recommended palette for anyone looking to sell a home. This isn’t a bad piece of advice, as these colors appeal to anyone. They allow all demographics of buyers to project their own design ideas onto the home as they imagine it in their minds. This isn’t a bad rule of thumb, but you still want your home to stand out. Buyers often see full lineups of homes bathed in beige, and they’re all likely to merge together in their minds after a while. A way to make your home stand out without being gaudy is to feature an accent wall. This will make an impact on the buyer and create an impression that will stick with them. As they filter through all the beige in their mind, the color you’ve chosen for the accent wall is certain to stand out. There’s a fine line between bland and tacky, and you’ll want to learn how to walk it.

Don’t Crowd the Home

When it comes to staging, there is indeed such a thing as too much. When you’re selling a building, the furniture is meant to frame the home. You should thoughtfully pick your furniture, which should serve as a suggestion to buyers. You’re trying to show how the home can look when tastefully dressed—but remember that the décor isn’t what they’re buying. You want to impress potential buyers, but the actual building is ultimately what should make an impact. Make the furniture an accessory, and be sure it doesn’t camouflage the actual structure of the home. Ultimately, you’ll have to consider what the home actually needs. Don’t add in objects that are too niche or that the average homebuyer wouldn’t own. Couches, coffee tables, and wall hangings are items you can expect to find in the average person’s home. Mobile bar carts and vanities are potentially unnecessary items that may eat up too much space.

Use Slipcovers on Outdated Furniture

There comes a time when some furniture is not what it once was, to put it lightly. However, you might not want to invest a large amount of money into something you’re not actually selling. Fortunately, there’s no actual need to replace this worn furniture. Instead, you can update pieces with slipcovers, a solution that’s both easy and economical. A custom zippered slipcover will fit your couch as though it was always a part of it. You can also use the same furniture for several showings by having a few different colored covers to match any setup.

Create Cohesion

Ideally, one room will naturally transition into the next. You don’t want to throw off buyers by leading them into an area with too drastic a scene change. Every room has a different function, but they should all seem as though they’re owned by the same individual. Be sure that the colors and textures you use fit together in a believable fashion.

Suggest Space

Almost everyone is looking for a home with space. Square footage, after all, is one of the first things we look for in a listing. This point circles back to the concept of not overcrowding a house—remember, no one wants to feel claustrophobic, and buyers will quickly reject a home that feels as such. Light colors, curtainless windows, and minimal furniture are all ways you can show off a space. Some homeowners are willing to sacrifice square footage so long as they can still feel as though they have room to move around.

Highlight Amenities

A large selling point for many properties is their amenities. Modern features that are energy-efficient and easy-to-use largely impact our lifestyle—as well as our carbon footprint. Don’t cover up these features; instead, find ways to highlight them. While these amenities aren’t additions, they’re still an important aspect in the staging process.

Don’t Forget the Finishing Touches

Choosing furniture for the staging process generally isn’t the most difficult part. You’re essentially selecting items that everyone has in their homes. When it comes to the finishing touches, however, things can become more difficult. One of the general rules of staging is to not make the area too personal. You want it to appeal to a wide audience, so quirky decorations aren’t necessarily the best bet. You want to suggest that a family could live there, not that one already does. A lack of decorations, however, can make the area seem more sterile and therefore less accessible. Choose simple decorations such as candles and clocks to add a bit of livability to the home. We recommend adding a few wall hangings, though perhaps not portraits. Abstract paintings will generally appeal to everyone, and you can add a few mirrors to create the illusion of more space and dimension.

Keep it Clean

It’s important that you keep the home you’re showing immaculate. You’ll want to keep up with cleaning and maintenance throughout the entire marketing process. Be sure to dust, and sweep and vacuum the floors every few days. Even a small bit of dust on a mantel can make an area seem stale to particular buyers. If no one is using the home while you’re selling, this maintenance should be fairly simple.

Helpful Tips for Staging a House infographic

Clever Ways to Make a Bedroom Look Bigger

Clever Ways to Make a Bedroom Look Bigger

A small bedroom can be charming, but you don’t want it to feel too compact. Fortunately, it isn’t difficult to create the illusion of space in an area. This is as easy as implementing a few small tricks to help you maximize the space you have. As such, we’ve created a list of some simple ways you can make your bedroom look bigger.

Use Light Colors

One of the best things you can do to make an area feel larger is to integrate light colors into the palette. You can do this with the walls as well as with the furniture. If you have darker furniture, you can use slipcovers to brighten up the color scheme. We have both chair covers and futon covers to help fulfill your furnishing needs.

Hide Away Storage

One of the best things you can do for your room is to conceal all clutter. Use storage bins under the bed and in the closet. If you have a lot of clothes, you can use vacuum-sealed bags to create even more space.

Leave the Center of the Room Open

Try to arrange your furniture away from the center of the room. Your bed will look great in the corner by the window, and keep your chair pushed under your desk if you have one. Carpets also make a space feel smaller, so we recommend avoiding those.

Avoid Patterns

There’s nothing quite like patterns to make a room feel incredibly busy, and this can make the walls appear to fold in. If you want to use patterns, try to avoid concentrated options such as paisley and opt for something like a clean chevron instead.

Don’t Over-Decorate

We aren’t saying you have to take up minimalism, but an abundance of decorations won’t exactly make a small area seem larger. If you’re someone who enjoys pictures and the like, consider using a tack board or string light with clips to display them. This will help you show off your personality without overcrowding the space.

Use Mirrors

Mirrors are a simple way to create the illusion of space. Their reflection of light and depth creates a visual effect that makes an area feel notably larger. Consider creating a pattern with small mirrors for wall ornamentation.

How to Spend Less on Redecorating With Custom Slipcovers

How to Spend Less on Redecorating With Custom Slipcovers

When buying a new sofa, 36% of purchasers say they intend to keep the new item for five to nine years, while 28% expect to keep theirs for 15 years or more. While high-quality furniture can last a lifetime if it’s well cared for, the cushions and upholstery on that furniture will rarely be as fortunate. Between kids, pets, and accidental food spills, it’s almost impossible to keep from staining, ripping, or otherwise wearing out the fabric. Fortunately, that’s where custom pillow covers and custom slipcovers come in handy. Custom sofa slipcovers, pillow covers, and covers for other kinds of furniture are manufactured in the United States and designed specifically for your own furniture. Read on to learn why custom slipcovers and pillow covers are the single best way to revive your furniture and redecorate your home -- affordably, comfortably, and in-style.

The Problem With Standard Slipcovers

You may be thinking, “I’ve seen cheap slipcovers in my local supermarket before. What’s the big deal with custom-made ones?” And you’re right -- it isn’t actually difficult to find covers for sofas, pillows, and kitchen chairs at supermarkets and furniture stores. Usually, these are sized according to general specifications for the furniture industry, and with enough tucking and pinning (and some luck), it’s possible to get a decent fit. But here’s the problem: slipcovers like these are going to look like oversized bedsheets on your furniture. They’re always either too small, or loose and baggy, because the manufacturer tried to make them able to fit every random piece of furniture, everywhere. They also typically feature long straps, dangling every which way, that you’re supposed to tie together to hold the cover in place. With custom slipcovers, you don’t have to worry about the fit not being right. After taking detailed measurements of your furniture, the slipcover manufacturer will design covers that fit your own furniture perfectly.

An Alternative to Buying New, Expensive Furniture

When you need to redecorate a room, the most expensive investment you’ll need to make is in the furniture. A couch and chairs say so much about a home’s decor -- you can’t simply paint the walls around them and expect that to really update your look. But new furniture is notoriously expensive, especially when you buy furniture that is comfortable, durable, and in the exact style you’re looking for. You end up with a lot going against you. And if you like to update your home’s look with the changing fashions, changing furniture every time can be simply impractical. Instead, you can simply buy custom slipcovers, tailored specifically to fit your furniture -- and your style. This is a significantly smaller investment than buying new furniture would be, and thanks to these covers’ incredible quality, you’re getting basically the same result. Whether you want to redecorate your home or cover up damaged upholstery, custom slipcovers are the best way to do either one.

5 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Fabric for Patio Furniture Cushion Covers

5 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Fabric for Patio Furniture Cushion Covers

When buying custom slipcovers or replacement slipcovers for patio furniture, one of the most important considerations is the type of fabric. That is, slipcovers for outdoor furniture are subjected to particularly harsh conditions and, as such, their fabric properties may be just as important as, or more important than, the color and pattern of the fabric. Here are five factors to consider when choosing a fabric for patio furniture slipcovers:


Outdoor patio furniture can see a lot of abuse not experienced by indoor furniture. From hot barbecue utensils to rambunctious kids with baseball bats, patio furniture cushion covers have to be able to withstand a lot of abuse without tearing. Synthetic materials, such as nylon, polytetrafluoroethylene (or PTFE), polyester vinyl, and acrylic, are usually more durable than natural fabrics. However, these synthetics, like all plastics, are made from non-renewable resources like petroleum. Moreover, some plastics are produced using bisphenol A (or BPA) as a plasticizer. BPA has been linked to possible health problems, including metabolic and reproductive disorders. Natural materials, such as hemp and cotton, are usually not as durable as synthetics. However, when blended with synthetics or treated with a synthetic coating, they may approach the durability found in synthetic materials. Hemp, for example, is one of the most durable natural fibers available. When blended with polyester, hemp becomes even more durable and the resulting fabric takes on some of the other properties discussed below, such as water and stain resistance.

UV Resistant

Ultraviolet (or UV) rays can cause a variety of problems for patio furniture and patio furniture cushion covers. Damage to paint and fabrics exposed to the sun is caused by a combination of UV radiation, visible light, and heat, with about 40% of the damage being caused by UV-A and UV-B rays. UV-B rays primarily affect the surface of cushions, causing colors to fade. UV-A rays are more damaging and can cause the fabric of slipcovers and even the material inside the cushion to degrade. Certain materials are more resistant to UV rays than others. For example, synthetic materials such as polyester vinyl and nylon are susceptible to UV degradation while PTFE and acrylic are not. Similarly, cotton and wool will fade and yellow under exposure to UV radiation, while hemp is naturally UV resistant. Most materials can be treated with UV stabilizers to absorb UV radiation and reduce the fading and degradation caused by the sun.

Stain Resistant

Stain resistance is partly a function of the material used to produce the fabric and partly a function of the way the fabric is woven. For example, fabric made from synthetic materials tends to resist stains because the plastic fibers cannot be penetrated by the stain. Moreover, materials like PTFE (also known by its trade name Teflon) are too slippery for stains to stick. For this reason, PTFE and other synthetics are used to treat fabrics to confer stain resistance. Similarly, tightly woven fabric, whether natural or synthetic, tends to maintain its shape and repel dirt and stains because the weave leaves few gaps for the stain to penetrate. Hemp is not necessarily resistant to stains, but stains often can be laundered out of hemp fabric because the structure of hemp allows it to shed an outer layer of cells. Thus, stains that would be permanent in other fabrics can often be removed from hemp fabric with normal laundering.

Water Resistant

Whether from a rain shower or lawn sprinklers, patio furniture cushion covers are inevitably exposed to water. However, patio furniture cushion covers do not need to be waterproof. In fact, waterproof cushion covers may cause more problems than they solve by trapping moisture inside the cushion allowing water and mold damage to occur. Breathable, water resistant cushion covers, on the other hand, allow cushions to dry out, reducing the risk of mold and water damage.

Mold Resistant

Resistance to mold and other microorganisms is almost entirely a property of the material itself. Mold can grow anywhere that it can find darkness, water, and food. Cotton, for example, can hold moisture, block light, and provide a food source for mold. Hemp and synthetics, on the other hand, are inherently mold resistant since they do not provide a food source for mold.

RVs and Boat Covers: Your Guide to Keeping Them Clean

RVs and Boat Covers: Your Guide to Keeping Them Clean

It's no surprise that the U.S. hotel industry makes more than $208 billion each year, but countless people are relying on more affordable ways to spend the night in a new town. In fact, more people than ever are relying on recreational vehicles and boats when they want to travel somewhere new. By modding these forms of transportation with cozy home fixings, it's an easy and frugal way of living in comfort. When it comes to maintaining your RV or boat, however, cleaning might be the last thing on your mind. But these modes of transport are built for activities, many of which might result in a few accidents along the way. When you want to ensure that these summer vessels stay in tip-top shape for years to come, rely on these handy ideas.

Invest in a handheld vacuum

There's nothing worse than sitting on your favorite bench only to find that crumbs have invited ants to your party. By relying on a quality handheld vacuum, you can clean up spot messes with ease and navigate those hard-to-reach corners. Prevent critters from eyeing your recreational vehicles with this simple purchase.

Seal your doors and windows properly

One of the worst plagues on your RV or boat is moisture. Without properly sealed windows and doors, mold and mildew have the potential to ruin your summer weekend by the lake. Worse yet, your boat and RV could start to take on water damage from too much humidity over time. This threat is particularly devious since you often notice the damage when it's too late. By properly sealing your doors and windows, you can prevent any moisture or debris from making its way into your clean space. If you have a dehumidifier, it might be in your best interest to tape windows shut and rely on a draft stopper to prevent moisture from getting in. Should your RV or boat take on any mildew, be sure to wash cushion covers or other forms of couch slipcovers in white vinegar to kill all the spores.

Keep it clean with zippered cushion covers

While you might use every trick in the book to keep your RV or boat clean, there's always the threat of a simple spill or accident. That's why you should always rely on quality zippered cushion covers to wash when it's needed. In the event you can't remove your cushions for a good deep-clean, you can always rely on elastic cushion covers, too. These options are perfect for non-removable cushions or chairs that need a little sprucing up. Best of all? They stick on tight but can be removed with ease when a good washing is needed. Are you interested in buying elastic or zippered cushion covers for your boat and RV? Keep your recreational forms of transportation safe by relying on the today.

4 Home Benefits of Using Slipcovers

4 Home Benefits of Using Slipcovers

Maintaining a beautiful home isn't always easy. When you have children, pets, and a busy schedule, things can get out of hand. Hair and spills can make a mess of your furniture, and keeping your pet beds clean can seem like a never-ending chore. A great way to combat these issues is with the help of slipcovers. Couch slipcovers, pet bed covers, and ottoman covers are all great ways to keep your home looking great no matter what you're up against. Here are five reasons you should consider investing in slipcovers for your home:

1. Easy to Clean

Unlike couches and bulky pet beds, couch slipcovers and pet bed covers are easy to clean. You can simply take them off and put them in the wash. Any time there is a spill or the dog hair gets too thick, just toss them in with the day's laundry. You don't have to vacuum and shampoo your couch or try to fit your entire dog bed into the washer.

2. They're Decorative

Slipcovers are a great way to change up the look of your house in minutes. You can buy themed sets for your living room and swap them out when you decide you want something different. Going from floral to a geometric pattern is as easy as changing out the covers. You can even get throw pillow covers and have like-new pillows without buying more.

3. Easy to Use

Couch slipcovers and other kinds of covers are very easy to use. They are designed to slide easily on and off your furniture. You don't have to fight to get them to fit or stress every time you have to take them off to clean them.

4. Blend Mismatched Furniture

Sometimes we get furniture from thrift stores or couches are given to us by family members. This can lead to mismatching furniture that throws off the look of your home. With slipcovers, you can coordinate your mismatch furniture and make it blend seamlessly together. Slipcovers offer solutions to all of your furniture struggles. They make having a clean and decorative living room easier than ever. You can buy multiple patterns and colors, and have a good time changing up your house whenever you feel like it.

What Are The Benefits Of Comfy Sofas?

What Are The Benefits Of Comfy Sofas?

After a long day of work with loads of responsibilities to take care of, it is sometimes overwhelming to manage all the stress outside your home. When at home, you need cozy furniture and a place where your body and mind can feel at peace. The furniture and couch slipcovers in your home should offer you instant relaxation. For a healthy body and mind, this is mandatory. People who are good at meditation and relaxation techniques will tell you that you should first create a soothing atmosphere. A comfy sofa with couch slipcovers is perfect for ultimate relaxation. Here are some of the benefits:

  1. Corrects your sitting posture: Sofas are filled with memory shredder foam and covered with bolster covers that help you stay calm and relaxed. This foam should form the same shape as the body sitting on it. This helps it support both your weight and your spine. This becomes the most convenient seat for people who spend long hours behind desks. Such people often experience back pain, headaches, and sometimes swollen feet. Since your office might not have a comfy couch, it will do you good to have one at your house so you can enjoy its benefits.
  2. Match your decor and lift your moods: The couch is not just perfect for your back and neck, it is also a great way to revamp the look of your living room. Some studies have shown that there is a deep connection between color and mood. Some colors keep you in a happy mood. There are colorful couch slipcovers that can be custom made to suit each home’s decor. Among sofa-buyers, 91% say quality and durability are essential when they make a purchase. So, you must make sure that the custom slipcovers are not just for decoration. They should also protect your sofa from damage and dirt.
  3. Environmentally friendly: If you have wondered how you can make your home green so you can help the planet reduce carbon and the destruction of trees, a comfortable eco-friendly sofa and couch slipcovers are what you need. Most sofas in the market require that trees are cut down so the sofa can be made. To get a set of sofas means that many trees had to be cut down. If more and more people are to embrace other creative methods of making sofas like the use of old car tires in place of wood, it will go a long way towards the reduction of deforestation. You will also be in a better position to help save the planet.
  4. They are warm: Good sofas come in a variety of different styles, sizes, and material makes. However, whether they are made of feathers or velvet, the fact that the seat is both comfortable and warm is clear. These sofas and sofa slipcovers should be made from breathable materials that make them warm during the cold and crisp during summer days. With comfy sacks and couches, you will not have to worry about your children’s preference to sit on the floor when watching movies. You can also have them outdoors so you can relax with your family when it's nice outside.

Regardless of the type of sofa you use and the zippered cushion covers you go for, you need them to be comfortable for you. Each home will be different and what is comfortable for one person may not work for another, so choose wisely. You know yourself.

5 Reasons Why You Should Check the Material When Buying Ottoman Covers

5 Reasons Why You Should Check the Material When Buying Ottoman Covers

  Buying the right ottoman covers is no easy task. No matter where you buy them, you will always find plenty of varieties. For this reason, you have to understand the most important factors to consider. For instance, you will notice that they consist of different types of fabric. Definitely, people choose different materials because of their unique needs. So, why should you focus so much on the material?

Materials will determine how much protection you give to your seats

The main purpose of buying a bolster cover is to protect the seats from damage. You also want to ensure that they do not get dirty. To add to that, you want to keep them away from sharp objects that can tear them. If you are using them near water, you will want to keep them dry all the time. You should, therefore, be looking for materials that can provide all these characteristics. Of course, not every material can provide adequate protection. You have to choose carefully.

Materials will affect the cleaning and maintenance routines

How often do you clean your seats? If you are cleaning them too often, it is because the material gets dirty fast. It could be that there are young kids in the house or pets that like to jump onto the furniture. This situation means that the likelihood of the seats getting dirty is high no matter how hard you try to keep them clean. Yet, it can be easier when you cover them with a material that is easy to clean. When you go to buy ottoman covers, you will notice that some materials do not need too much cleaning. Besides, you can always replace couch slipcovers when you do not have time to clean them.

Materials determine how long the seat lasts

The durability of ottoman covers depends on the materials. Weak materials will tear fast while a strong one lasts much longer. You need to first assess the conditions under which they will be used. If they are always in use, they will have to be strong enough to must withstand tough conditions. Ottomans in your guest room, however, might not be used quite so much. In this case, you can get away with a thinner ottoman cover as long as you're willing to change them out often. Nobody wants to keep buying a new ottoman cover when they know that they can avoid it. You may want to read a few reviews about materials or talk to your local ottoman cover supply store to learn about their durability.

Materials affect the coziness of the seats

Anyone that owns a camelback sofa knows the importance of coziness. It feels good to make the seats warm and comfortable. When you do that, they become your favorite resting place. For example, you will want to lie on your sofa couch when watching TV. In that case, you should start by finding the right sofa slipcover materials. A good example is cotton which is a lightweight and breathable fabric, apart from its ability to withstand high temperatures.

Materials point to the price

Do you often wonder why ottoman covers come with different price tags? The difference in price is, in part, because of the type of material. Apart from the designs, size, and quality, you will want materials that bring out the best in your furniture. Manufacturers are always searching the market for new ideas. After all, it only makes sense that they want to find the right fabric for the covers they produce. The end result? You may pay a higher price than the rest but you can rest assured that you're getting one of the best ottoman covers on the market. It is the same thing when looking for custom pillow covers, daybed covers, and any other slipcover for your home. You will notice that, like the seats, throw pillows need the same effect. Keep in mind that the focus should be on comfort, style, and design of your sofas. It is clear that ottoman covers can enhance the quality of your seats if you choose the right materials. Remember that the most important thing is to protect the seats and make them more attractive. Thus, you need to take time and identify the types of covers that suit your seats. Everyone has their unique preferences when it comes to choices.