Why You Should Get Slipcovers for Your Outdoor Furniture

Why You Should Get Slipcovers for Your Outdoor Furniture

Looking for the ideal outdoor twin mattress cover? Or perhaps you would like to find the right patio furniture cushion covers. Although to some it may not seem necessary, patio furniture slipcovers go hand-in-hand with the purchase of your outdoor seating arrangement.

What is a Slipcover?

Slipcovers are fitted, protective covers that you slip on and fit snugly to just about any type of furniture you have. It can be easily removed for purposes of washing and cleaning the cover to keep your furniture safe and protected.

Why Do You Need Slipcovers?

Patio furniture should not be left out uncovered and unprotected on the deck or balcony. Harsh weather conditions such as rain, snow, sun, and wind will eventually damage your furniture causing you to lose money in replacement or restoration costs. A convenient way to protect your furniture is by getting patio furniture slipcovers. The reason to invest in patio furniture slipcovers is that it will protect and prolong the life of your outdoor furniture. There are a variety of options to choose from when deciding on the right slipcovers for outdoor furniture. Some examples include couch slipcovers, recliner slipcovers, zippered cushion covers, tub chair slipcovers and so much more.

What Type of Slipcovers Should You Get?

Water resistant When shopping for patio furniture slipcovers, consider getting water resistant rather than waterproof. Water resistant will not allow water to penetrate the cover and damage the furniture. Material like synthetic suede resists stains and water damage. Breathable Material Whereas waterproof material is airtight, doesn't allow the furniture to breathe which leads to issues of mold and mildew. Which is why the right slipcovers should also allow the furniture to vent and air out. UV Protection Another great quality of good patio furniture slipcovers are ones that provide UV protection to block out the sun's harmful rays from damaging the fabric of your favorite outdoor furniture. By using patio furniture slipcovers, it will save you money in the long run by eliminating your replacement costs for stained or damaged furniture. So be sure to pick up your wing chair recliner slipcovers, sectional couch slipcovers, and replacement slipcovers today to keep your furniture looking new for years to come.

Benefits of Using a Pillow or Cushion Cover

Benefits of Using a Pillow or Cushion Cover

The Furniture Market

The furniture market is no joke. Whether you are stocking a hotel, refurnishing a home, or simply replacing a pillow or cushion, there are always reasons to spend money on new furniture. Furniture sales added up to over $100 billion in the United States in 2015. That's a lot of cash. We spend a lot of money on our furniture. It's important to protect that investment. From zippered cushion covers to ottoman covers or even a pet bed cover, there are many solutions to help keep your furniture clean. In addition to keeping the furniture clean, zippered cushion covers and pillow covers can help furniture last longer and can even be good for your health.

Top Benefits of Using Pillow and Cushion Covers

From home decor to traveling, pillow and zippered cushion covers are important. Here's why:

  • Cushion Covers Keep Your Pillows Cleaner Pillows are used a lot. We spend about a third of our lives sleeping on them. In addition, they are often used throughout the day for napping or just laying down to relax. Because they have such frequent contact with our skin, pillows tend to pick up a lot of sweat, dirt, germs, and even dead skin cells. Over time, a pillow will get filled and dirty just from natural use. Using a pillow or cushion cover will prevent the buildup of germs, dirt, and dead skin and stop it from getting inside of a pillow. Zippered cushion covers are very easy to remove and wash, keeping your pillows fresh, fluffy, and clean.
  • Keeps Out Allergens Cushions and pillows are also notorious for capturing and holding in allergens. Especially in the springtime, outdoor patio furniture can gather pollen and give people a not-so-sweet surprise when they sit down. Using zippered cushion covers is a great way to quickly wash off pollen and other allergens. Even indoor pillows can collect allergens such as dander and dust. The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology has said that dust mite allergens are microscopic creatures that thrive in warm and humid environments like bedding. This makes them a common trigger of allergy and asthma symptoms. Indoors or out, pillow and cushion covers are the way to go to help the sneeze-prone among us.
  • Fluff It Up Keeping your pillow fluffy is important. Cushion and pillow covers can help protect against the sweat and oil from our bodies that end up deadening a pillow's fluff. For optimal fluff, you can also wash your feathered down pillows. It is recommended you wash your pillows every 6 months to keep them fluffy and clean.
  • Extra Defense Against Bed Bugs If any of you have ever had an experience with bed bugs, you know how miserable it can be. If you haven't, do everything you can to prevent it. Bed bug infestations can cost thousands of dollars to get rid of, and even require house residents to leave for several days. Pillow and cushion covers with zippers prevent bed bugs from getting inside and nesting in your pillow.

Ultimately, pillow and cushion covers will be able to save you time and money. Contact Slip Cover Shop today to learn more about how investing in these covers can benefit your home.

Best Of Both Worlds: How To Ensure Your Home Decor Is Affordable And Fashionable

Best Of Both Worlds: How To Ensure Your Home Decor Is Affordable And Fashionable

Whether you are looking to purchase an entirely new sofa, new patio furniture for the summer BBQ season, or a new pet bed, pillow covers will be your best friend. Over 50% of sofa buyers say they intend to keep a newly purchased sofa for at least five years, with a full 25% expecting to keep it for 15 years or more. Five to 15 years is a long time to keep a sofa. If you are going to use a sofa for that amount of time, it is important to have appropriate pillow covers to ensure the sofa maintains its beautiful color and remains as stain-free as possible. When you manage to keep a sofa stain-free and looking nice, it retains market value much better and you can typically resell it for three to four times the amount of an old stained couch. Let's take a look at how you can maintain the look of your furniture and its affordability whether it is indoors or out.

Getting ready to furnish your outdoor space?

If you are furnishing an outdoor area, such as your back patio, it is important to purchase patio furniture cushion covers and patio furniture slipcovers. The cushion covers and pillow covers will not only help protect the furniture from stains but will also act as an extra buffer between the furniture you invested in and the elements. Constant exposure to UV light (aka the sun) and rain or sprinkler water can cause the color on your fabric to fade rather quickly. The elements also weaken the threading, making it easier for the fabric to rip and tear. Over 90% of furniture buyers reported that quality and durability were among the top two factors when making a decision on what to purchase. When you purchase furniture, having sofa slipcovers is one of the best ways to ensure that the furniture remains durable throughout the years.

What about indoor furniture? Do I really need pillow covers?

We understand that initially getting a sectional couch cover or a pillow cover may seem cumbersome and tedious. However, which of these scenarios would be more tedious in the long-run: washing that fruit punch stain out of your new couch or taking off a couch slipcover and throwing it in the wash? The answer is pretty clear. In addition to getting covers for your sofas, it might be beneficial to consider pet bed covers, fitted mattress covers, and ottoman covers. Nearly all of your furniture can benefit from the added protection of a pillow cover. In addition to protecting the furniture from stains, pillow covers can help keep furniture smelling fresh and clean, increase the longevity of the furniture, and give you a way to protect the furniture from pet hair. A brand new sectional sofa can cost anywhere from $2,000 to $6,000. That's an investment worth protecting. When protecting it can be as cost effective as purchasing a pillow cover or slipcover that is only between $20 and $100, purchasing a handy cover is one of the most sound decisions you can make.

Your Common Area Furniture Needs Slipcovers Because Humans Are Gross

Your Common Area Furniture Needs Slipcovers Because Humans Are Gross

Wherever you have a business in the hospitality industry, we're certain that you're acutely aware of the mess human beings are capable of making. Whether by accident or on purpose, where there are common sitting areas and furniture, people will make a mess of them. Think of the materials those pieces of furniture are made of. Cotton is among the most popular materials used in upholstery. It's a lightweight natural fabric that can withstand high temperatures, is breathable, and is easy to clean. When the waiting area at your hotel or restaurant gets a lot of traffic, slipcovers will save the life of those well-trodden pieces of furniture. So, just when you think couch slipcovers or patio furniture slipcovers aren't necessary for your establishment, we're here to tell you otherwise.

Human Beings

Per the title and per your ownership of an establishment that entertains patrons, you know that human beings can be messy, clumsy, careless, and very often treat public spaces poorly. If your hotel has a common sitting area, you'd better believe feet will be on it and drinks will be nonchalantly spilled on it with little more thought than good thing it's not my couch. Avoid all that by getting some sofa slipcovers and ottoman covers. Whatever the common area furniture is, it pays to protect it against the tornado that is a human being.

Mother Nature

While human beings may intentionally misbehave, we hardly have control over the whims of Mother Nature. Your outdoor furniture needs to be cared for more often because nature, while beautiful, can be notoriously unfriendly. You need to take the steps to protect outdoor furniture. Replacement slipcovers for those bits of furniture are also essential when you want things to remain protected without sacrificing style.

Save Yourself The Money

Furniture -- outdoor and indoor -- is an investment you make into your establishment. You're giving your guests a level of comfort that you hope to have returned by their patronage. Still, that investment needs to be protected to maximize its longevity. Instead of replacing damaged or stained furniture, replacement slipcovers are an ideal way to save yourself from having to buy new furniture because of the damage you could've avoided. Want to protect the furniture in your establishment? Get the protection you need from us at Slipcover Shop. We'll guard your furniture against the inevitable messes that human beings and Mother Nature so easily make.

How To Extend The Life Of Your Upholstered Furniture

How To Extend The Life Of Your Upholstered Furniture

If your living room is the central hub of your hectic home, you know the simultaneous love and abuse that your couches and chairs see. Kids crash into them, pets jump all over the cushions, and drinks spill on the fabric almost daily. While quality and durability are the most important qualities for 91% of sofa buyers, there is no guarantee that your couches and chairs will able to survive the regular wear and tear of family life. Extend the life of your upholstered furniture with these easy tips, and you won't be buying a new sectional before you're done paying off the old one.

Provide leg support protection

The legs of your couches and recliners bear a lot of weight every day. They also take a lot of pressure when you move furniture around for cleaning or redecorating. To prevent your furniture legs from breaking off or wearing down, place furniture movers or floor protectors under each couch and chair leg. Not only do these handy sliders make it easier to move your furniture around, but they relieve the usual pressure the legs bear and make them last for much longer.

Avoid the sunlight

While you may appreciate natural light filling your living space, the fabric on your furniture does not. The sun's UV rays tend to fade upholstery in the same way that they damage your skin. Try to keep your furniture out of direct sunlight and add extra protection with blinds, shades, curtains, and windows that are designed to block UV radiation.

Use furniture slipcovers

Recliner seat covers and sofa slipcovers are the surest way to protect your furniture from damage. These covers take the daily wear and tear so that your furniture doesn't have to. They are especially useful as pet cover solutions and spill protection, as you can more easily remove recliner seat covers for regular cleaning than attempt to clean the recliner itself.

Vacuum regularly

Speaking of cleaning, something as simple as regular vacuuming can significantly extend the life of your furniture. It doesn't matter if your couch is made of leather, fabric, or always has a couch slipcover on it, you can easily protect it when you vacuum it weekly. Be sure to clean off pet hair with lint rollers before you vacuum to remove any embedded debris and to immediately wipe up spills to prevent permanent damage. It only takes a few easy steps to make your upholstered furniture last for years to come. Whether you choose to use protective methods like couch and recliner seat covers or create a regular cleaning schedule, you're taking the right steps to extend the life of your well-loved furniture.

Adulting 101: 3 Simple Ways To Create An Adult Living Space

Adulting 101: 3 Simple Ways To Create An Adult Living Space

Moving out for the first time can be an exciting, but often stressful time. This gets even worse when you want to create an adult space but lack the tips and tricks to prove you're truly living an independent lifestyle. If you want to showcase a more "adult" space, here are three tips and tricks to prove you've got this adulting thing down.

1. Dutiful decorations

Decorating your walls is an essential part of creating a more grown-up home. Though it's tempting to hang your favorite poster with a few multicolored thumbtacks, your space will look much more put-together if you opt for frames and other visual displays. This is because frames add structure and order, two essential components when it comes to creating a cohesive space. Even choosing a cheap frame can bring the appearance of your poster from a one to a nine on the attractiveness scale. If you really want to step up your game, consider purchasing real art from local vendors to display in your home. Just make sure they fit the same overall theme to avoid a hodge-podge interior design situation.

2. Keep it clean

You'd be amazed what a daily vacuuming can do for your home. If you want to redecorate your space, consider performing a thorough scrub down of your home. You can even reorganize the layout to make an old space feel like new. Regardless, try to keep your sink clear of dishes and occasionally swab the baseboard of gunk build-up to present a clean, organized space.

3. Protect your furniture

Whether you're investing in new furniture or old, the best way to present an adult space is by protecting it with the right slipcovers. Sofa slipcovers are great for parties, pets, and anything in between. You should also invest in quality fitted mattress covers to ensure the longevity and quality of your mattress. After all, cleaning a slipcover is much easier than tossing your entire couch in the washing machine. You can rest assured that fitted mattress covers, couch slipcovers, and pillow covers will save you the effort of cleaning and look great in the process. It's estimated that furniture sales in the United States will only grow in the next five years. In fact, it's estimated that market value will reach $122 billion by 2020. It's essential that you protect your furniture but still present a great-looking home at the same time. For the best in slipcovers, fitted mattress covers, and more, rely on SlipcoverShop.com for all your protection needs.

Selling With Slipcovers: Why Slipcovers Are The Best Tool In Your Open House Arsenal

Selling With Slipcovers: Why Slipcovers Are The Best Tool In Your Open House Arsenal

Selling your home is quite the ordeal. Once you've found a reliable realtor and have set a schedule, you've got to open your home to strangers. More than just that, your home needs to look like their next home. That can be hard to accomplish given the fact that the average home holds over 300,000 things; from personal collections to quirky furniture, turning your vibrant home into a neutral space can feel like a serious challenge.   Fortunately, furniture slipcovers offer a quick solution to a pressing problem. Forget renting generic furniture to stage your home -- sofa slipcovers, pillow covers, and fitted mattress covers are an easy, affordable, and effective way to freshen up your home. They create a neutral environment that allows guests' imaginations to run wild with possibilities while also offering a clean, tidy look. Around 36% of sofa-buyers expect to keep their new sofa for at least five to nine years, yet constant wear and tear can make a not-that-old piece look well beyond its years. This simple appearance, especially if accompanied with bold or bright patterns, can distract and dissuade potential home-buyers.   They're also perfect for pet-friendly homes: with fitted slipcovers, the dog's favorite couch will be transformed into a brand new piece of furniture, and the cat's scratching post will look like it's never seen a claw in its life. Your guests and potential buyers will be much more focused on the space -- and what it is capable of -- than the current family's style. The need for commercial-grade vacuums and cleaning services vanishes with the concealment of that fur.   Best of all, they're functional! Visitors can sit on the couch slipcover while thinking of where they'd put the TV, or where the desk would go; after the house is sold and you're settled in your new place, you can purchase replacement slipcovers for your own home! The ease of use, low cost, and customizable options make slipcovers absolutely necessary in a staged home, and ideal in a new one.   So, buy a bunch all at once (including a few replacement slipcovers for emergencies) and sit back -- and relax -- in your newfound, reborn furniture.

Winter Weather Warnings: 3 Ways To Protect Your Outdoor Patio Furniture

Winter Weather Warnings: 3 Ways To Protect Your Outdoor Patio Furniture

Winter is a paradoxical season. Soft, fluffy snowflakes can create the most dazzling displays of beauty in your yard and neighborhood, yet blustering winds and freezing ice can cause a significant amount of damage. If you're like most people, winter is simply a (mostly) unpleasant period between fall and spring, and you're just waiting for it to pass so you can get out and enjoy your backyard again. Patio furniture is a boon on those warm and breezy days, yet may not always survive the winter weather: here are three ways to improve your odds.  

  • Place them in storage. One of the easiest ways to protect your outdoor furniture from the wrath of winter is to remove it entirely. Placing your furnishings in a shed, garage, or even an offsite storage facility guarantees their security from even the most violent storms; unfortunately, it's also the most costly option. Most people like to store their cars in the garage when it snows, removing the possibility of space for a bulky table and chairs, and sheds and storage facilities don't come cheap. Depending on your preferences and the depth of your wallet, storage may not be the best choice.


  • Invest in slipcovers. Slipcovers have long been used to protect indoor furniture (sofa slipcovers are a godsend if you have pets or rambunctious children), so it only makes sense that they should be used outside. Regardless of what your needs are -- if you're interested in daybed covers, patio furniture cushion covers, or simple couch slipcovers -- you'll be able to find a prefabricated or custom-made option available online. They're cheaper than a storage unit, and tend to offer more protection than protective coatings.


  • Apply weather treatments. Usually the most affordable option, weather treatments are practical if you live in areas that experience mild winters: light showers, hardly any snow, or warmer temperatures for example. If your furniture is completely exposed and you live in the northeast, however, they may not quite do the job. The right choice depends entirely on your personal needs and budget.

  The furniture and home furnishings industry is valued at around $106.8 billion -- it doesn't really need you to contribute to that number by having to purchase new patio furniture each year. With the right protective coatings, patio furniture slipcovers (and patio furniture cushion covers), or storage spaces, your outdoor furnishings will live to see another summer.

Pet-Proof And Plush: 3 Durable Fabrics That Will Stand Up To Your Furry Friends

Pet-Proof And Plush: 3 Durable Fabrics That Will Stand Up To Your Furry Friends

No one can argue the benefits of bringing home a furry, four-legged friend; they offer companionship, unconditional love, and endless entertainment! However, they also happen to be tiny tornadoes just waiting to be unleashed in a flurry of hair and sharp claws. As a responsible pet owner, you are required to make a few changes or alterations to your home, just like if you were baby-proofing -- except the goal is to protect your house from your pet, not the other way around.   When it comes to the damage that can be wrought by a hyperactive puppy or a bored kitten, your furniture is the most at-risk. Here are the three best, most durable fabrics -- put best to use in the form of slipcovers to provide maximum protection -- available to keep that expensive sofa nice and safe.  

  • Outdoor: Outdoor fabrics are usually specially treated to repel water, stains, and even bacteria; this means that your furniture will smell as fresh and clean as it looks. However, if bringing a piece of outdoor furniture indoors doesn't mesh with your decor, you can invest in an outdoor fabric cover -- if your pet owns a certain piece (we all know how pets can be), you can purchase sectional couch covers or pillow covers to keep them safe. Although outdoor fabric can feel less luxurious than the following options, it is one of the strongest types available for fighting against fur and felines alike.


  • Denim: Some diehard denim fans may claim that the material only belongs in jeans and jackets, but they haven't seen the versatility of denim couch slipcovers. Offering a material that is able to withstand even the most rambunctious of pets, the informal fabric is easy to clean, vacuum, and comes in a variety of shades and designs -- trust us when we say it won't look like you've re-purposed some old jeans. Denim sectional couch covers will become the new stars of your living room as your pets race all over them and don't leave a single scratch behind.


  • Woven: The secret to woven slipcovers (or upholstery in general) is in the tightness of the weave; tighter weaves are more resistant to stains and actually repel dirt, and are also able to keep their shape longer. If your sofa sees a lot of use, both from humans and animals alike, tightly woven sectional couch covers can provide an excellent layer of protection against everyday damage and that caused by wildly bounding and energetic puppies.

  Durable, easy-to-clean fabric is the secret to success when it comes to new pet ownership. Don't let your messy companion rule the household; purchase slipcovers (even pet bed covers!) made from these materials and your pets will know who's in charge.

A Step By Step Guide To Choosing The Best Slipcover For Your Outdoor Furniture

A Step By Step Guide To Choosing The Best Slipcover For Your Outdoor Furniture

Purchasing outdoor furniture can be a tricky, sometimes overly complicated process. You have to take in a multitude of considerations: your climate, how much use it's going to see, and how much you're willing to spend. Fortunately, you can cover your bases (and your furniture!) easily by investing in slipcovers for outdoor furniture. These covers help protect the furniture's base material and extend its lifespan by many years. Whether you're looking to spruce up old outdoor furniture or are simply interested in saving money without sacrificing quality, there's a slipcover material and design out there for you. Let's walk through those considerations.  

Climate Conditions

  Patio furniture needs to be able to withstand whatever Mother Nature throws at it. If you live in an area that experiences heavy rainfall, you'll want to choose couch slipcovers that are waterproof, or incredibly water resistant. Tightly woven fabric, such as denim, is particularly good at this endeavor. Fortunately for you, there is also a type of fabric known simply as 'outdoor' -- it resists stains, damage, and water, all at once. However, if you live in a sunny region that hardly ever sees a drop of rain, you might want to consider a lightweight and breathable cotton fabric.  

Extent Of Use

  Are you going to be throwing parties every evening, or casually lounging every once in a while? Obviously, durable material is desired for constant use, while something more simple and comfortable such as synthetic suede can be used if you're outdoor furniture is hardly going to be touched.  


  Here's where you'll always win! While you may have to spend exorbitant fees on the material of the furniture itself if you're electing not to use slipcovers for outdoor furniture, covers -- whether they're patio furniture cushion covers or outdoor twin mattress covers -- you will be spending less. Always. Best of all, you won't be settling for anything cheap or unattractive: high quality slipcovers for outdoor furniture are still going to be less expensive than the furniture itself.   Now that you have all the information you need, it's time to explore the options available at your fingertips! Work your way down until you find a slipcover that is as practical for your needs as it is beautiful.